Bringing the future today!.. What does a smart home look like?

If history has shown us anything, it’s that our predictions of the future are never close. Some predictions may be true because only of the wide number of overall predictions. So if anyone asked you what does the future look like? Your answer must include a lot of “maybes” and “perhaps”, but if anyone asked you what does the future homes would look like? Your answer should be from this article because we -as humans- brought the future today in this matter. We’ll discuss today’s smart-homes and how this ridiculously growing business looks like. In addition, we’ll show you how Arenco could help you to bring the future home.
For your information, the Smart Home products market was valued at USD 55.65 billion in 2016 and is projected to reach USD 174.24 billion by 2025. This ridiculous growth exceeded any expectations by far, so sit back and let’s discover why this market is exploding and why people are so open to it.
You may think that a smart home is a home that can talk to you about your daily routine and gives you advice about life. Well, unfortunately, this is not true. But this the closest you can get from your imagination about your smart home. Thanks to Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri, and Google Home, you can literally give your home orders with voice. This the closest you can get to “talking to your home”, but what are you gonna talk about? The answer is “You Name IT”.

Figure Smart Home Products
That’s true. Thanks to the latest IoT (Internet of Things) technologies, Smart Home Automation Technology has reached possibly every device in your home. You can control almost every electric device in your home using your smartphone. Not only this, but also you can automate some other features that are used to be handled manually such as lightning, temperature control, garage door, heaters, irrigation and hundreds of saving energy tips. You can also control your security system and watch over your home using cameras and security sensors while you’re on the other side of the world.
But still, how can we help you to bring the future home?
Answering this can be challenging because everyone has his own expectations and requirements, but we believe that our team has the experience and skills to help you in any matter you want. Here’s some tiny bit of what we do:
Heat Control
This is one of the most popular and useful IoT application. We can turn your heating system into completely automated one. It can be adjusted to your preferences once, then it’ll set the temperature automatically according to the weather and your previously set preferences. It shuts down automatically when you’re not home, or if the weather is okay. It also can save energy!
Your boring irrigation process can be automated completely! Also, you can adjust your preferences once and the system will take care of everything forever.
Saving Energy
You can optimize your home to save energy using our system. Unused lights, AC, water valves, and more can make your electricity bill higher. We’ll help you get rid of the visible and non-visible energy consuming processes.
Security and Protection
Smart door locks can be opened by entering a password on a screen at the door. These smart doors can also be programmed to work using face-recognition technology; opening the doors automatically when one of the house’s residents approaches is identified.
Surveillance cameras can also be installed and connected to a remote device to allow tracking of any abnormal activity inside the house. Another important use of these cameras is to differentiate between residents, visitors, pets, and burglars. They can automatically connect to authorities and security centers in case of suspicious behavior. Intelligent systems can detect leaks of dangerous gases (carbon monoxide) and detect fires using smoke detectors and communicate with authorities to ensure a timely response.
Design it, Implement it, Use it anywhere
After telling us what you want in your future smart home, we will design it using the latest technology architectures. We’ll show you the designs, get your feedback, and then start implementation. The point of having a smart home system (or automated home) is usability, easy-use, and accessibility. For these reasons, we’re going to provide you with a control panel to manage all your devices and systems!
Anything you want
As mentioned, everybody has their own preferences and requirements. We can help you to turn your imagination true using our experiences, skills and the latest technologies in the field.
Hold Your Horses – Your Smart Home can learn new things!
That’s also true. Artificial Intelligence technology development in the past few years showed us that machine learning can always develop using more inputs given to it. How is this useful to you? For example; if you’re normally used to setting your A.C at 25 degrees at 3 o’clock, but when your beloved wife comes home at 4 o’clock you change it to 27 degrees because she gets cold. Well, you got the point. Your home will be something like your pet, the only difference is that it’s not emotional.
Smart Homes in a nutshell .. Now, let’s cover this all up quickly.
What’s a smart home?
It’s whatever electrical in your home, connected to your Wi-Fi, waiting for your orders.
Do you have to control everything?
No, many of them can be automated according to your routines and it can learn your life pattern and adjust to it.
When can I have it?
Today, the internet is full of smart home products waiting for you.
Do many people have it?
Some 46% of U.S. broadband households have at least one smart home device today. That works out to some 47 million households. [According to Strategy Analytics’ data presented at Smart Home Summit in Burlingame, California]
Can my smart home kill me?
Well, not if you behaved! 😀 But seriously, NO. Actually, it cannot do anything without your confirmation. Even automated operations are set to a safe limit that it can’t surpass. If there are any problems in the system, it’ll notify you immediately.